What We Do

We've got more than 35 years of real world experience. That means our clients do too.

From the smallest art videos, to Hollywood and Olympic productions (literally), Copyright Music & Visuals is the complete, professional service to get the right music, and any type of copyright clearance you need.

Here to save you time and money in the production of:

From research to Music Cue Sheets,
each aspect quickly and expertly attended to.

Licenses & Permissions:
Synchronization, Master Use, Dramatic Performance, Mechanical, Subsidiary, Photos, Clips, Likeness, etc., etc., etc.

You won't get stuck dealing with only some publishers, no record companies, no agents or unions. Through Copyright Music & Visuals, you access any of them - worldwide.

You'll get the best strategy based on budgets, artistic objectives and the players involved.

(And you won't chase after Grand Rights if you don't need them.)
Flat Fees:
Copyright Music & Visuals does not take a percentage of the license fee. Clearly, your interests are represented throughout the negotiation process.
Music Consulting & Supervision:
What good is suggesting music that can't be cleared or is too expensive? As useful as clearing music that doesn't work creatively.

John Ciccone blends his lifetime as a multiple genre musician and audio engineer with leading expertise in copyright.

The results are a win for everyone.
Music & Audio Production:
Copyright Administration
& Acquisitions:
John Ciccone has been on both sides of the table.
Music Cue Sheets:
Timing, listing, and final distribution to performing rights organizations and licensors for contract requirements.


Flip us an email. Anytime:
(Your info will not be shared with any 3rd party)
61 Hoyle Avenue - Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4S 2X5
Tel: (416) 979-3333